NOW AVAILABLE – 500ml Celebration glass bottle in flint (clear)

craft beer

  1. Craft Beer Bottle Design

    By: Paula Polei The craft beer revolution has seen hundreds of new, exciting brands, delivering delicious beers and reviving old styles. With more than 4,200 craft breweries now operating in the U.S., beer brands have to work even harder to catch the consumer’s attention. Every craft brewer wants to believe that their beer is good enough to sell itself, but...
  2. Five Ways to Join the Craft Beer Movement in 2016

    By: Paula Polei Happy New Year! January marks the first official month of the year when everyone starts to change their way of thinking, living and, well, just plain being (for a few weeks, at least). Everyone has the drive to be better and do better with that first-of-the-year burst of energy we all get after the holidays. This year...
  3. Happy Holidays from BOB

    By: Paula Polei As 2015 quickly comes to a close, BOB wanted to take an opportunity to wish you and yours Happy Holidays. No matter what you’re doing this holiday season, we hope you’ll take a moment to reflect back on your year while taking time to wind down with loved ones. We appreciate your business and would like to...
  4. 2015 Great American Beer Festival Ticket Giveaway

    By: Paula Polei September 24-26, 2015 is primed to be a record-breaking event where more than 3,500 different beers from over 700 of the nation’s finest breweries will be poured. For three days, a host of the nation’s breweries will descend on the mile-high city for the Great American Beer Festival (GABF), representing the largest collection of U.S. beer ever...
  5. Customer Spotlight: Port Jeff Brewing Company

    By: Paula Polei For our next customer spotlight, we head to Port Jefferson, New York to speak with Michael Philbrick, Brewmaster at Port Jeff Brewing Company. Mike Philbrick, the once Temple University Owl mascot, turned Masterbrewer, opened Port Jeff Brewing Company’s doors in October 2011. Port Jeff Brewing Companyin Port Jefferson, New York Take me back to the first time...
  6. Customer Spotlight: Triton Brewing Company

    By Paula Polei BOB works with several remarkable craft breweries that have established themselves in the marketplace with their great ideas, hard work and dedication. This blog is the first of several that we will run from time-to-time, highlighting BOB’s craft beer buddies. In this first customer spotlight, we head to Indianapolis to speak with Jon Lang, Master Brewer/Founder, and...
  7. Happy Thanksgiving!

    By Paula Polei As everyone finalizes their holiday feasts, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and to share some of our favorite craft beer cooking recipes with you. From appetizers to side dishes and desserts, we’ve tallied up our top three favorite recipes from around the Web. Beer Butter Mushrooms The combination of...
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