In this edition of our newsletter, we would normally talk about how excited we are to see you all at the upcoming events and trade shows. Instead, we’d like to take this time to personally thank you for sticking with us during these trying times.

Demand has been strong for the quality glass bottles that BOB produces and, at times, we have been challenged to keep the website fully stocked with the glass bottles you love.

You can always add yourself to our waitlist, so we can inform you when certain products are back in stock on the site. Simply click the “Notify me when this product is in stock” from the product page. You'll receive an email notification once the bottle becomes available.

Or, you can always contact us directly about the bottles you need.

Stay safe!


With Fall just around the corner, Oktoberfest beer is on a lot of our minds right now. In the U.S., Oktoberfest beers are a dime a dozen, but the best beers are remarkably drinkable lagers that are amberish-copper in color with rich malt-driven flavors of bread crust and vaguely toasty notes with a nice, dry finish. Check out BOB’s blog for a few recommendations you might consider trying.